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Topical Teachings

Halloween and the Believer – A Deadly Mix!
Does the power of Yeshua fully overcome S.a.tan and his evil ways or NOT? Will you glorify Yeshua or glorify…

Thanksgiving – The Federal Blueprint for Internment, Treaties and Treachery
The federal government declared the last Thursday in November as the legal holiday of Thanksgiving in 1898. Columbus Day and…

The Passover of the Master 2016 – Part 1
Yahusha is truly the Passover lamb: He eats the actual Passover (Galilean), yet remarkably also dies on the actual Passover…

The Passover of the Master 2016 – Part 2
Yahusha is truly the Passover lamb: He eats the actual Passover (Galilean), yet remarkably also dies on the actual Passover…

The Passover of the Master 2016 – Part 3
Yahusha is truly the Passover lamb: He eats the actual Passover (Galilean), yet remarkably also dies on the actual Passover…

The Volume of Ezekiel – Part 1
Want to change the future? Both Christians and Messianics have used Yahezkel/Ezekiel to frame an eschatological world view. Rabbis consider…

The Volume of Ezekiel – Part 2
Want to change the future? Both Christians and Messianics have used Yahezkel/Ezekiel to frame an eschatological world view. Rabbis consider…

The Bigger Picture – The Synagogue of satan
Our past – history, is our present politics! History of the Synagogue of Satan – it transmutes in name but…

The Migration of Judah
Who are the real Jews today and where can we find them? Why does American black history exist based solely…

The Feast of Unleavened Bread – Topical Teaching
What is leaven? As we approach Chag Ha’Matzot/Feast of Unleavened Bread, we are called to examine our house and remove…

The Awakening of Israel – Part 1
Do you know the Bible teaches that there is only one church? By the Messiah’s own words, He came only…

The Awakening of Israel – Part 2
Do you know the Bible teaches that there is only one church? By the Messiah’s own words, He came only…

Lazarus Comes Forth
Who is Lazarus? In Chapter 11 of his gospel, John records the raising of Lazarus. While many know this to…

Temple Man – Part 2
Are you biblically healthy? While there are more than eighty different Hebrew terms for body parts, there is no word…

Awakening from the end of a Sleep Cycle
Are you worshipping in Ruach and Emet? In these perilous times, many are sensing that there are problems with both…

Obadiah – Part 1 “The Sephardic-Ashkenazi-Edomite confederacy over Biblical Israel and the fight for dominance”
Why all the turmoil in the land of Israel? Obadiah is a multi layered prophecy addressing historical events after the…

Obadiah – Part 2 “The Sephardic-Ashkenazi-Edomite confederacy over Biblical Israel and the fight for dominance”
Why all the turmoil in the land of Israel? Obadiah is a multi layered prophecy addressing historical events after the…

The Book of the Law – Part 1
1 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of Elohim, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction…

The Book of the Law – Part 2
The principle of châbar/חבר- dove tailing-#2266 to join, to couple (together), have fellowship with. 10 principle applications of châbar/חבר (continued…) Divorce:…

The Melchizedek Two-Book Theory Debunked? | Torah to the Tribes Response
Right out of the gate the title “DEBUNKED” suggests that the author believes that the opposing view is not merely…

Matthew Nolan and David Perry’s Melchizedek Doctrine: Subtracting from Torah | Torah to the Tribes Response
There are two individuals in the Torah-keeping movement who teach what I consider to be errors concerning a supposed distinction…

The Table of Shewbread, Radiation and Frequencies
Are you worshipping in Ruach and Emet? In these perilous times, many are sensing that there are problems with both…

Jephthah’s Daughter & Human Sacrifice?
Are you worshipping in Ruach and Emet? In these perilous times, many are sensing that there are problems with both…

Notre Dame Burns; The Crown of Thorns Live On!
The Crown of Thorns live on even as the horrific fire that has engulfed the glorious Notre Dame cathedral in…

Keanu Reeves Transhumanism & the Global Elite
The Global Elite are at the present moment engineering bodies for the Nephilim נפיל of Genesis 6 biblical yesteryear, engineering…

Melchizedik and the Torah – Shema Yisrael
Today I want to take the opportunity to train, mentor and coach us all in the Melchizedek Priesthood and to…

The Book of the Covenant vs. The Book of the Law? – “119”
Today we'll be responding to a YouTube teaching entitled, "The Book of the Covenant vs. The Book of the Law?…

LGBTQ + AI The Globalist Transagenda – Part 1
Asked what would be the sign of His coming, Yahusha remarked that it would be likened to the days of…

LGBTQ + AI The Globalist Transagenda – Part 2
After “Transgender” normalisation, comes Transhumanist normalisation. It’s a precursor setting the mood and pace for what is to come. 'Trans'…

The Priestly Principles
We are instructed to guard YHWH’s Word, His commandments. We need to understand Yahusha's words regarding The Shema and commandment…

Under the Law & Works of the Law
Rom. 6:14 isn’t a proof text to assert that believers aren’t ‘under the law’, with ‘under the law’ interpreted to…

Dead Sea Scrolls Discord
I’ve discovered that the Qumran sect secreted away "The Habakkuk Commentary" — the Book of Habakkuk with a verse-by-verse misinterpretation…

Herbert W Armstrong – The Missing Key
What was the key that Herbert W Armstrong needed to unlock the law of God? What key would have prevented…

Cannabis & the Bible
The set apart anointing oil in the bible contains a herb called kaneh bosem קְנֵה בֹשֶׂם This translates as “fragrant…

Mystery Babylon will fall, but first my brethren she must rise…whilst the world was busy with CV hysteria she was…

Panic in Plannedemic. Let’s “live chat” it up again
Faith vs Fear; the world over is being robbed and spoiled as people are snared in their homes - they…

The Servant of YAH
Mario Salerno, Sept 20th 1958 - April 16th 2020. "Va-Yelech" "then he went out.” This isn’t a story relegated as…

Passion for Truth: Table of Shewbread, Gifts of the Spirit
Here's an oldie but a goodie of Matthew that was recently discovered in the archives with him teaching at Passion…

Sukkot Shabbat Salem
Some tried sleeping in the succah, some camping out at home in tents. Sukkot is a wonderful opportunity to get…

The Great Controversy
4 stages that take us from Shavuot into the Fall Feasts - we have to pass through the ten days…

שמר-Shamar, get your guard up!
A word of edification and some Torah to the Tribes updates, what's been happening and what we're up to with…

Mystery Babylon in the News!
The Great Reset is about to happen as Satan attempts to get revenge against יהוה and the woman. The Great…

Sukkot-Feast of Tabernacles. Part 1
The book of John points out that when the "Feast of Tabernacles was at hand," Yahusha Himself "went up to…

Sukkot-Feast of Tabernacles. Part 2
Speaker: Libby Lingenfelter @ www.TheLibbyLink.com, TheLibbyTube, TheLibbyChute. The book of John points out that when the "Feast of Tabernacles was…

Sukkot-Feast of Tabernacles. Part 3
The book of John points out that when the "Feast of Tabernacles was at hand," Yahusha Himself "went up to…

Sukkot-Feast of Tabernacles. Part 4
Speaker: Dr. Brenda Robinson. The book of John points out that when the "Feast of Tabernacles was at hand," Yahusha…

Sukkot-Feast of Tabernacles. Part 5
The book of John points out that when the "Feast of Tabernacles was at hand," Yahusha Himself "went up to…

Sukkot-Feast of Tabernacles. Part 6
Speaker: Dr. Brenda Robinson. The book of John points out that when the "Feast of Tabernacles was at hand," Yahusha…

Sukkot-Feast of Tabernacles. Part 7
Speaker: Libby Lingenfelter @ www.TheLibbyLink.com, TheLibbyTube, TheLibbyChute The book of John points out that when the "Feast of Tabernacles was…

Sukkot-Feast of Tabernacles. Part 8
Speaker: Dr. Brenda Robinson. The book of John points out that when the "Feast of Tabernacles was at hand," Yahusha…

Sukkot-Feast of Tabernacles. Part 9
Speaker: Libby Lingenfelter @ www.TheLibbyLink.com, TheLibbyTube, TheLibbyChute The book of John points out that when the "Feast of Tabernacles was…

Sukkot-Feast of Tabernacles. Part 10
Speaker: Dr. Brenda Robinson. The book of John points out that when the "Feast of Tabernacles was at hand," Yahusha…

Sukkot-Feast of Tabernacles. Part 11
Speaker: Libby Lingenfelter @ www.TheLibbyLink.com, TheLibbyTube, TheLibbyChute The book of John points out that when the "Feast of Tabernacles was…

Sukkot-Feast of Tabernacles. Part 12
Speaker: Libby Lingenfelter @ www.TheLibbyLink.com, TheLibbyTube, TheLibbyChute The book of John points out that when the "Feast of Tabernacles was…

Messiah and the Millennium. Part 1
Do you anticipate Messiah's return before the Millennium? In this teaching we look at the scriptures to see if Messiah…

Feast Teaching: Passover 2023
Join us as we celebrate the Passover together in The Pacific Northwest.

Feast Teaching: Passover 2023: Part 2
Join us as we celebrate the Passover together in The Pacific Northwest.

Messiah and the Millennium. Part 2
Do you anticipate Messiah's return before the Millennium? In this teaching we look at the scriptures to see if Messiah…
Feast of Tabernacles – Sukkot 2023 Series
The Feast of Tabernacles - Sukkot with its emphasis on dwelling in booths and יהוה s presence, mirrors the prophetic…
Feast of Tabernacles – Sukkot 2023 day 1 morning session
Dr. Brenda Robinson a former disciple of Herbert W. Armstrong, founder of the Worldwide Church of God who brings her…
Feast of Tabernacles – Sukkot 2023 part 1
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Feast of Tabernacles – Sukkot 2023 day 2 morning session
Dr. Brenda Robinson a former disciple of Herbert W. Armstrong, founder of the Worldwide Church of God who brings her…

Feast of Tabernacles – Sukkot 2023 part 2
In the heart of medieval Europe, in a time when power and wealth were intertwined with treacherous secrets, people found…

Feast of Tabernacles – Sukkot 2023 day 3 morning session
Dr. Brenda Robinson a former disciple of Herbert W. Armstrong, founder of the Worldwide Church of God who brings her…
Feast of Tabernacles – Sukkot 2023 part 3
In the heart of medieval Europe, in a time when power and wealth were intertwined with treacherous secrets, people found…
Feast of Tabernacles – Sukkot 2023 day 4 morning session
Dr. Brenda Robinson a former disciple of Herbert W. Armstrong, founder of the Worldwide Church of God who brings her…
Feast of Tabernacles – Sukkot 2023 part 4
In the heart of medieval Europe, in a time when power and wealth were intertwined with treacherous secrets, people found…

Passover 2024: Part 1
The word "Mikveh" (מִקְוֶה) comes from the root קוה (k-v-h), meaning "to gather" or "to hope." It symbolizes a gathering…

Passover 2024: Part 2
Passover is an induction into the Melchizedek Order, let's look at the prerequisites we’ve just participated in to joining the…

Shavuot 2024
Psalm 67 consists of 7 verses ('weeks') and 49 (7x7) Hebrew words (‘days’). Ps. 67: 1 יהוה be merciful to…

Sukkot 2024 – part 1
Sukkot serves as a poignant reminder of our reliance on יהוה 's shelter amidst life's uncertainties and fleeting nature. The…

Sukkot 2024 – part 2
Sukkot serves as a poignant reminder of our reliance on יהוה 's shelter amidst life's uncertainties and fleeting nature. The…

Sukkot 2024 – part 3
Sukkot serves as a poignant reminder of our reliance on יהוה 's shelter amidst life's uncertainties and fleeting nature. The…

Sukkot 2024 – part 4
Sukkot serves as a poignant reminder of our reliance on יהוה 's shelter amidst life's uncertainties and fleeting nature. The…
Top TeachingView All

The Migration of Judah
Who are the real Jews today and where can we find them? Why does American black history exist based solely…

Mystery of the Melchizedek – Intro
Are you ready to go deeper into your walk of faith? Many know Jesus Christ, but we want to introduce…

The Bigger Picture – The Synagogue of satan
Our past – history, is our present politics! History of the Synagogue of Satan – it transmutes in name but…

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