The Acts of the Hebrews

Part 17

Thessalonica was the capital of Macedonia and had a council of a half-dozen officials called ‘politarchs’ governing it. It had a major harbor - an admiralty jurisdiction run by ‘politarchs’ being the commercial center, trading in souls.

Our modern political world is fashioned after this idolatrous system: ‘politarchs’, 'admiralty jurisdiction' and the trading in mens souls through a commercial contracts system. Now is the time that the Ruach (Spirit) is leading our people, Israel out of this type of captivity just as the mob falls further into its trap. ACTS is truly a book for our times.

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The Acts of the Hebrews

Intro A

In reality this book records the Acts of the Holy Spirit through his people in a time very similar to…

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Intro B

For about sixteen hundred years, the Christian faith has been put forth from a western “Greek” perspective as if a…

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Part 1A

It’s important for us to understand who this Theophilos of Acts is. The book of Luke was written originally to…

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Part 1B

The Holy Spirit reminds us that human understanding will undoubtedly bring about the wrong time to mind. It’s the coming…

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Part 2

If the apostles were somewhere other than the temple on Shavuot they would of been in rebellion to the Word…

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Part 3

Before Chrysostom in the fourth century wrote his famous homilies few seem to cite or know about Acts. Acts was…

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Part 4

Believers standing up to abuse of authority. What happens when governors weaponize police power? Peter and John end up getting…

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Part 5

Money money money. Follow the money. Our biggest daily conflict isn’t with the NWO, Satan, the government and the Wu-Flu,…

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Part 5B

More Money! The way we prioritize our finances is either to enact the law of the open window to heaven…

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Part 6

The law of the harvest, the spiritual law of consequence! Be careful; whatever you accuse someone else of falsely you…

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Part 7

The war of the witnesses! ACTS 7:20 the life of Moses: the three 40 year periods correspond to the three…

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Part 8

PHILIP gets transported, not raptured, but transported. Just like Enoch and Elijah before him. A case for supernatural teleporting, to…

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Part 9

Discrepancies in Acts. Can Luke and Paul be trusted? A shadow governing authority take over. People being tagged for transport.…

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Part 10

The prophet Jonah was sent from Joppa to the nations. In Acts 10 Peter son of Jonah is sent to…

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Part 11

How did we end up here? Where was all the outcry? Why was the church silent when it should of…

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Part 12

Get ready to be “astonished”…v.16 when you see YHWH’s deliverance standing before you...will you really believe it when it all…

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Part 13

Acts 13 is a modern day call to those of us sitting in the midst of the rivers of Mystery…

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Part 14

Paul is being stalked and under full surveillance as his enemies “come thither from...” to follow him from town to…

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Part 15

The Jerusalem Council, the first letter to the "gentiles" (really the returning "lost" tribes of Israel scattered in the nations.…

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Part 16

Philippi was a Roman Colony and home of retired soldiers from the Roman army. It was a 'federal' military zone,…

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Part 18

1. Pricilla and Aquilla. 2. Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. 3. Repentance brings forth remedy. 4.…

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Part 19-1

Receiving the proper micvah/baptism. Into who or what were you micvaed/baptized? Was it religion, form and structure OR the resurrected…

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Part 19-2

1. Facing adversity and evil. 2. Four bible words that expose roving exorcists. 3. Today’s seven power players of Skeva.…

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Part 21

1. To be BOUND in the RUACH. 2. To be CIRCUMCISED. 3. To be under VOW. ACTS 21:11 And coming…

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Part 22

1. Thriving amongst an accusatory society - the pivot and shift! 2. Terrorists and assassins. 3. Seeing the Kavod/ glory…

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Part 23

Paul’s imprisonment in Jerusalem: What happens when we face only chaos and factions that function within the realm of controversy…

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Part 24

The hate train is gaining momentum - full steam ahead to kill Shaul and swoop up the disciples of,…

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Part 25

Now is not the time to slumber on your rights...the man that can’t assert his rights doesn’t have them. In…

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Part 26

Like Shaul, you too may be condemned by this world because you’re in YAHUSHA and choose not to walk after…

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Part 27

We’ve got to weather the storms of life. This was Shaul’s 4th shipwreck. When we succumb to fear, we cannot…

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Part 28

Sticks Heb. עץ ‛êts, Gk. froo’-gan-on. The sticks in the fire where the viper hides are the nations of the…

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Part 29

From the Sonni Manuscript, sometime in the late 1700's and before 1800, C.S.Sonnini published his copy of Sonnini's Travels in…

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Part 29-2

Was Peter in Barat-Anat - Britain too? Barat-Anat was considered by 17th century scholars to be the ancient Phoenician name…

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